Saturday, March 6, 2010


Continuation of my story having the diagnosis of bipolar

I believe strongly in therapy. The medications help with the symptoms of Bipolar but a therapist will help you deal with the Diagnosis. I have been through two therapist and then found one that was recommended through a friend. Remember, you can obtain a descent therapist through referal services in hospitals, support groups and friends. I interviewed the therapist and brought my typed personal history just like I did with my psychiatrist.

I have a wonderful repoir with my therapist, but it took a while to find her. Don't give up and don't forget your questions. I would bring my journal to the appointment. Sometimes I would leave my journal so she can actually see how my brain works and how to help me with certain issues.

To be honest, it took about two years seeing bad psychiatrist and therapist just to find the right one. I also was not this strong as I am now. I was scared and insucure.

Do you have any questions about my diagnosis?
Thank you for your comments. Have a blessed day.


  1. Hi Em, did you look forward to seeing the therapist because it was a great release to have someone to discuss things with or, did you see it as an intrusion into your life? Although my thereapist is kind and very helpful, I worry before I see her and get extremely tense. Mart

  2. Sounds like you feel very secure with this therapist. I'm glad for that. I've been through quite a few myself. Trust is very important and feel safe that you can grow and heal. I hope that this is what you have found. Bless your day.

  3. I'm glad you found a good one! Good luck in your journey! I keep you in my prayers and am always grateful for your comments on my blog :]

    "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible." -Matt. 19:26
